Teaching Textbooks

Certificates of Completion

These are printable certificates that you can fill out and give your child when they complete their Teaching Textbooks course. We have a unique certificate available for each grade level.

Certificate Menu

Math Facts

We all know that kids learn things at different rates, and this is certainly true of math facts. Therefore, if your student ever starts to struggle with these facts, we strongly suggest that you allow them to use these handy printouts (at least until they've been able to commit all the facts to memory). We have a variety of special TT-themed printouts in both color and black-and-white.

Math Fact Menu

Buddy Coloring Sheets

Students in Math 3 through Math 7 love the TT Buddies, so we have created coloring pages and finish-the-picture activities for a few Buddies from each level. If your student has not gotten to meet one of these Buddies yet, we also have a full color example of each of these so they can see what these Buddies look like in the app.

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